The “On the Routes of Liberation: The Sicilian Campaign of 1943” exhibition at Abbaye aux Dames, Caen 

We are thrilled to announce the opening of the exhibition “On the Routes of Liberation: The Sicilian Campaign of 1943.” organized jointly by Normandy Region, the LRE Foundation and LRE Italy. This exhibition explores this important chapter in the story of the liberation of Europe, linking the historic landings in Sicily in July 1943 to the Normandy landings in June 1944, and highlighting their interconnected paths to freedom. 

The exhibition provides an in-depth look at the strategic, operational, and human dimensions of the Allied invasion of Sicily. Featuring historical content, photographs, videos, and maps, visitors will gain insights into the preparation, execution, and aftermath of the Sicilian campaign, emphasizing its role as a steppingstone to the Normandy landings.  

As Rémi Praud, Managing Director of the LRE Foundation, points out: “This exhibition plays a vital role in connecting stories from different parts of Europe and providing a chance to learn from each other. This dialogue is precisely what we aim for at the LRE Foundation.” 

As we commemorate the legacy of these major events, the exhibition invites reflection on the enduring significance of the Sicilian and Normandy landings in the broader context of World War II and their collective contribution to shaping a liberated Europe. 

The exhibition will be open until the 6th of October at Abbaye aux Dames, Caen, France.